Calling from home

Good day everyone reading this is very important and matter most to check and balance your broken and about to device marriage  .

First of all do you really understand the word called marriage ,many definitions about marriage. But let look in to this definition.


A legally and socially sanctioned union, usually between a Man and a woman, that is regulated by laws, rules, customs, beliefs, and attitudes that prescribe the rights and duties of the partners and accords status to their offspring (if any). The universality of marriage within different societies and cultures is attributed to the many basic social and personal functions For which it provides structure, such as sexual gratification and regulations, division of labour between the sexes, economic production and satisfaction of personal needs for affection, status, and companionship. Perhaps its strongest function concerns procreation, the care of children and their education and socialisation, and regulation of lines of Descent.

The beginning of marriage it self ,it was roughly over 400,000 years ago,people arranged marriage according to their cultures ,tribe and norms .

 How they understand it.

In the holding days people marry their tribe  so that they will understand and live in peace and harmony till the rest of their life ,Because they understand their norms and cultures and learn from elderly ones and they have happy marriage with their locality even many of their man  practice polygamous marriage, in west African Nigeria as an example of it .

Nowadays we find it difficult to have happy marriage and thousands separated families and device's every day because we see our past as local life ,we forgot culture's ,tribes and norms and we are shouting on new done which is civilization, truly it good to adopt good and new thing but not to forget about our forefathers plans and ways of doing things accordingly.

Holding days our forefathers don't toast lady directly they use to have someone as their middle man or woman between the new Bride family and groom family,husband and wife .

They did though investigation before the two families will agree that their children's will marry each other .investigation like ,to know much about husband and wife family problems,sickness, how hardworking they are ,their life span and their old age sickness. They will verified all this before getting marry in short they  know much more about each other .this result to a good and forever marriage during that years back they have perfect relationship and good marriage they leave in peace. Nowadays we don't have this qualities again and don't have though search about each other again we marry because of wealth , beauty and personality and only this can not bring good result on relationship matters this bring many issues and device's everywhere  their are thousands baby mama and single fathers everywhere .

We have problem from this aspect:

1) beauty 

2) wealth

3) poverty 

4)third party

1) Beauty is the one of good relationship source but we find it difficult nowadays that after marriage husband look after another pretty lady that is fine more that his housewife and woman did the same,this brake many relationship because it lead to untrusted relationship.

2)wealth : truly it important in marriage so that the couples will have access to all what they need and want but also the root of what causes device in most relationship because in some case's if the two couples where bless they start competition among them self this lead to separation ,I don't say it happen always but this issue take 90% out of 100% relationship in town.

3.poverty : it start from the first day if the couples doesn't has good job from right beginning this really separated many marriage because things are not better and good for them ,and many couple try to manage this condition and find better solution or way out with endurance and they came out with good result and happy at last ,but many couples fail to endure this , in which it lead them to device .

4) third party : this a the real and biggest problem that separated thousands marriage and relationship in which it can settle at all cost ,all this. Poverty, wealth and beauty issues can be easily solved by family member , friend or court of law .but this third party own fail because it was cause by those who we think they have to settled the matter before getting to court of law, this matter i s a big deal when the two  parent of the couples or friends are getting into their relationship affairs ,they say what they see and not because they don't like the husband or the wife in order to gain their opinion and make them second choice in which they will benefit on . .


I call this advise come back home ,husband and wife come back home ,Home is the best ,beauty,sweeties and nice place to leave .

Husband accept your fault and change to good ,,correct your mistake ,come back home and love each other again. Build unbreakable empire . be contented with what your husband has likewise husband should accept his wife as uncompleted building that he need to complete and leave till the end of his life and wife should see her husband as her new land that she need to build good and nice structure on for her to leave with her heavenly gift ,the children .

Came back home ,call your wife and say sorry and love yourself as it sign from heaven.

You have a call from home pick and tell your husband that you are sorry it won't happen again and start a new life with him .

Come back home your children's, Son's and daughter's are in deep thinking that can change them from good to bad production . parent issues and device's change many children's to thug,thief and any other bad behaviors.

Calling from home  don't allow third party to brake your relationship they don't plan for their own they only spoil what's good and perfect.

Come back home you have a call from home .

Call or chat on WhatsApp for more advise about your  relationship, 08145304474


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